What are primer questions?

What are primers?

Primers are a set of questions delivered before and after a campaign. They are intended to measure the success of the campaign by providing a benchmarking platform to measure changes in learner performance. 

Primer questions are selected from the complete list of campaign questions. They should cover all of the topics included in the campaign as a bit of a "temperature check" across all of the content. 

Creating primer questions 

To upload your primers into Yarno, please firstly sign into your dashboard. From here, navigate to the "Questions" tab from the top tool bar and then "PRIMER QUESTIONS". Next, locate the "CREATE NEW PRIMER QUESTION" button to your top right hand corner to get started. 

For a step by step walkthrough on this process, please check out this video: 

When will I see primer questions?

Primers are optional. If the campaign creator has included them in the setup, they will be triggered five days before a campaign. If the campaign is to start within five days of its creation, the questions will be sent out immediately. 

The learner is not provided with feedback on their performance after completing primer questions. 

Questions are revisited the business day after a campaign. 

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