Giving feedback for a question

You're whizzing your way through your campaign questions but then suddenly, you get a question wrong. 

Disappointed, you read over the explanation for that question, believing that you had the correct answer. 

Yarno strives to write tricky questions which really get you thinking – so you can have the best learning experience possible. 

Buttttttt if you still feel as though your answer was correct, you have the option to provide feedback. Feedback can be provided at any stage of the campaign process. To submit feedback, navigate to the top right hand corner of your profile and click on the question mark button next to your name. It looks something like this: 

Tips for giving feedback 

To help us understand your specific comments, queries and concerns, make sure that you: 

  • Clearly identify and explain the problem you are facing
    • For example, if you want to provide feedback on a specific quiz question, let us know which question it is & why you think the answer is incorrect.
  • Provide a suggestion
    • For example, you could suggest what a better answer may be!

Next steps

Here at Yarno, we love reading your feedback and take your comments seriously.

Following feedback submission, one of our friendly customer success members will be in contact with you - usually within the following week. 

For feedback based on a certain quiz question or your positive/negative experience with Yarno, we will CC into the email the manager overseeing your Yarno campaign. This is a valuable opportunity for everyone involved to improve the quizzing experience for the next campaign!

We look forward to reading your feedback, happy Yarno-ing!

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