Campaign descriptions

In this article, we'll cover:

  • What are campaign descriptions, and why add one?
  • How to add a campaign description
  • What happens if a campaign description is not added?

What are campaign descriptions, and why add one?

Campaign descriptions are a short summary of the campaign, which is shown to learners when they are invited to participate via either the invitation email or during the campaign invite flow.

Adding a description in the invitation to learners is intended to encourage learner participation, and allows space to:

  • Summarise the purpose of the campaign
  • Highlight any benefits learners might expect to gain from the campaign, and
  • Summarise the key points learners should be looking to takeaway.

How to add a campaign description

Campaign descriptions are added as part of the campaign set up process. There is a field to enter the desired text on the first page of the campaign creation flow, as shown below:

Screenshot of campaign creation flow

How a campaign description appears in emails

The description entered in the field above is displayed to learners in the email they are sent inviting them to join the campaign. An example demonstrating where this description appears is below (note: the exact wording and design of this email may differ depending on the customisations applied to your account and type of campaign launched).

Example email showing campaign description

How a campaign description appears in the campaign invite flow

If learners are using the campaign invite flow to join the campaign, the campaign description will be shown to them twice during the process.

First, the description appears as one of the FAQs when first clicking the invite link:

Screenshot of first page of invite flow

Second, the description appears as part of the summary of information about the campaign when confirming enrolment:

Screenshot of enrolment confirmation page

What happens if a campaign description is not added?

Campaign descriptions are an optional feature - if no text is included when setting up the campaign, the campaign description paragraph will not appear in the email.

More information

Check out this article for more information about setting up campaigns.